Sunday 11 December 2011

Amelia's NOTD: 11/12/2011

Today Mia was across at mine, so of course we did our nails together :)

I've done many designs but this was my first try at all of these! My favourite is either the Pow cartoon nail, or the strawberry, they're just so cute!!

In the middle of the flower on my ring finger, I used some Evie Glam glitter polish as I have no diamantes. I think I prefer this anyway cause you don't need glue and it's less likely to fall off!

I got this Evie Glam polish from Peacocks for only £2.50! Mine is in Lilac, but you can also get it in Green, Gold, and Blue. They're a great replacement for diamantes or rhinestones!!!

For any tutorials just ask and I'll upload one asap.
Amelia xxxxxxxxx

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